
Key Statistics

Percentage of timber production estimated to be illegal: c. 37% iHFAO-EU FLEGT (2021)
Forest Area: 78,700,000 ha iiGlobal Forest Watch Dashboard – Peru
Forest loss in 2020: 278,000 ha iiiGlobal Forest Watch Dashboard – Peru
Principal threats to forests: road and infrastructure building, agricultural expansion, industrial logging, illegal gold mining.

Country Background

In Peru, RFUK works with indigenous organisation Federación Nativa del río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD) in the Madre de Dios region of southeastern Peru. 90% of Madre de Dios is covered by the Amazon rainforest, home to some of Earth’s most unique biodiversity. In contrast to other countries where ForestLink is operational, indigenous groups in Madre de Dios possess state-recognised land titles, and ForestLink is used to monitor and defend these territories.

Key Achievements

  • Seizures of illegal equipment: In 2023, ForestLink alerts triggered the seizure of £14 million worth of illegal mining equipment in Madre de Dios. Since ForestLink was first implemented, there have been at least 25 police operations against environmental crimes reported via ForestLink, mostly involving the dismantling of illegal gold mining camps due to the efforts of communities in Madre de Dios.
  • Pursuing legal recourses to justice: The advocacy efforts of ForestLink communities and FENAMAD led to six legal complaints being filed with the office of the Public Prosecutor in Peru. The regional forestry authority complied with the communities’ request to set up a Forestry Vigilance and Control roundtable to listen to community concerns.
  • Documenting illegalities of forest concession holders: ForestLink observers have documented encroachment by neighbouring concession-holders on indigenous territories, and supported legal cases whereby communities have reasserted their territorial boundaries.
  • Adapting ForestLink technology to fight the pandemic: During the COVID-19 outbreak, ForestLink was adapted to allow communities to report outbreaks of the virus in their community via the application, allowing them to communicate their need for support with FENAMAD.

Communities involved


Community monitors trained


Alerts received


ForestLink Start Date


" We have never had anything like this technology in the community. You know that illegal mining is nearby, and we sometimes see miners along the river. RFUK's ForestLink system allows us to be safer. We can control our territory now and send alerts if anything happens. "

Wilmer, community monitor, Peru